In a momentous event covered by local and national media, Mjini School witnessed the official launch of its newly equipped computer lab, a generous donation from the Kamau Wairuri Foundation. The donation includes a state-of-the-art lab fully stocked with computers and accessories, marking a transformative step in the school’s journey toward digital literacy and inclusion.
Dr. Kamau Wairuri, a former student of Mjini School and the Founder of the Kamau Wairuri Foundation, was present at the launch to formally hand over the Computers. During his address, Dr. Wairuri reflected on his personal journey and the pivotal role education played in shaping his future. He emphasized the importance of equipping the next generation with the tools they need to thrive in a modern, technology-driven world.
“This is not just about computers,” Dr. Wairuri said during his speech. “It’s about giving students access to a future where technology plays a key role in every aspect of life and work. I want these labs to open up new opportunities for the children of Mjini, as education did for me.”
The headteacher of Mjini School expressed deep gratitude for the donation, noting that this development will dramatically improve both the quality of education and the school’s ability to prepare students for the digital world. The newly installed labs are set to serve hundreds of students, providing them with access to digital learning tools that were previously unavailable to them.
The donation represents the Kamau Wairuri Foundation’s ongoing commitment to uplifting communities through education, ensuring that every child, regardless of background, has the opportunity to excel.
As the event concluded, students excitedly explored the new facilities, marking the beginning of a new chapter for Mjini School. This initiative is set to have a long-lasting impact, empowering students with the skills and confidence to pursue broader opportunities in their educational and career journeys.